






英语 with Creative Writing Emphasis 和 Religion

埃尔西·伯格,24岁 英语宗教 少校,已经收到了许多 奖学金, 包括沃帕尔奖学金, 全球十大赌钱排行app访问补助金, 署长补助金, 基于优秀的奖学金, 和 奖学金 for winning creative writing contests.

毕业后, they plan to enroll in a doctoral program in 英语 和 pursue writing opportunities that contribute to the literary community’s current conversation. 



“我总觉得自己在生活中格格不入, 但在全球十大赌钱排行app, I feel like I’m finally starting to figure out how I fit into the world 和 what I can make of it.”



“I looked up an alphabetical list of every college in the United States at one point, 和 Carthage stuck out to me because the 英语 program was said by many online to be phenomenal. When I came to visit during my senior year of high school, it just felt right to be here. The area reminded me of Duluth, Minnesota, which is very familiar to me, 和 I adored how 班级规模小 学生们.”


“全球十大赌钱排行app 教师尤其是我的教授们,他们是我的家人. So many of my professors have supported me when I was having a difficult time, 他们每个人都想见我, 还有他们的其他学生, 成功比什么都重要. 没有他们, I wouldn’t have nearly the amount of confidence in myself 和 my skills as I do now, 和 I wouldn’t have been able to experience all of the amazing things that I’ve been given the privilege of participating in. The 教师 here at Carthage truly revel in their student’s successes, 和 I’ve never seen anything like it anywhere else. My professors have given recommendations that have helped open doors for me, 和 they’ve always been available to schedule a meeting with me so I can get some advice or help on coursework—even just to have a chat 和 check in. 没有他们, 我根本不知道我能做到什么, but they’ve helped me unlock my potential 和 thrive.”


“My favorite class so far at Carthage has been the short story class that I took with 艾莉森·基塞尔教授. Before taking this class, I always felt like my voice in a story didn’t matter, but Prof. Kiesel帮助我学习, through the stories 和 conversations in that class, that my life experiences can make for great stories 和 great works of art too.”


“My toughest class at Carthage was also one of my favorites. 那门课是酷儿文学与理论. I remember how my classmates 和 I used to joke about how the amount of reading in our folders made them so heavy that we could use them in self-defense! 在一般情况下, that class exp和ed my thinking 和 perspective on life as well as the people around me more than any other class that I have ever taken. 我读了很多书, 说了很多, 和 a lot of trying my best to underst和 a concept that seemed so unfamiliar to me, but I learned that this amount of effort is what is necessary to grow to be a better person.”


“我参与了 诗歌的地下离心美术杂志 两家公司的电子公告板上都有. Centrique just recently published its first physical publication in four years, 和 I got to play a big part in making that publication a reality!”


“I currently work as a writer on the marketing team for the 表演和视觉艺术办公室! I was recommended to the office by a professor of mine. I have found that working on professional writing, in t和em with the other writers 和 the graphic designers on my team, has taught me a lot about what it takes to organize 和 advertise events, as well as how to be more confident in reaching out to various people to get what I need for my project to be completed.”


“My favorite spot on campus is the lounge area by the windows on the 300 level of Lentz Hall. I love sitting there with my laptop 和 doing homework, as well as getting breakfast or lunch from Lentz Do Lunch 和 eating it there. It’s especially nice towards the end of the fall semester when they put up the Christmas tree in the middle of the area.”


“Most of my favorite moments take place in my classes. I love when the professor cracks a couple of jokes in class that make the lesson more memorable or when I have a good conversation with a classmate. A particularly special in-class moment took place in my advanced writing class. Our writing prompt was to write a poem that was 100 percent impossible (no part of it could be possible at all). My poem ended up being so outl和ish 和 ridiculous that the entire class burst out laughing — one of my friends 和 I still reference that poem to this day! 这是我最喜欢的课外时光, 虽然, have to be the open mic nights that we at 诗歌的地下 和 Centrique put on. It’s so casual 和 fun, 和 I get to spend time with my friends 和 relish in their creativity!”

What would your 8-year-old self think of you now?

“8-year-old Elsie didn’t exactly have any career plans. I remember that I used to make up jobs to say I’d have in the future when people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. 我真的不知道我活在这个世界上是为了什么, so I think that 8-year-old me would be surprised that I’ve become so established in my departments 和 that I have so much more confidence in what I want to do with my life 和 how I want to do that. +, 我一直很喜欢阅读, so I think they’d be jazzed to learn that I read so many books for school!”

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